J.29- Grand opening of website.
A.1- Added counter, guestbook, and poll. Get the hint-USE IT.
A.3- Added some more sound files to pages.
Put more pics on pages to jazz it up.
Added more to Milwaukee Journal and the "Extra" page.
Put up picture of Arnolds drawing and gave it its own page (Arnolds). Check that one out.
Added ExtraExtra page
A.4- Deleted Happy Days FanFic site and copied the story to a new page on this one.
Added Where Are They Nows?
A.5- Added 2 new pages: Tenant Arcola and Sit On It
Added message board to Sit on It
Added pictures and info for The Fonzettes
Uploaded more pictures to Sit On It, Tenant Arcola, Arnolds, Inspiration Point, & The Band
Updated Milwaukee Journal
A.13 Yikes! Its been awhile since I've updated this thing. Anyways, lets get started.
Added pictures to random pages
Updated Milwaukee Journal
Going to ATTEMPT to add soundfiles..wish me luck!
Add Fonzettes
Attempted to add frames. It got ugly. However, it only took me a week, but I now added two links to my other pages on the home page. Dig in!
Add a new page just for YOU. Check it out.
A.15- Same as A.13
Added marquees to jazz up pages.
Add new page.
Added new pictures
Changed Sit On It page to The Bathroom Wall page- also changed it around.